The National Science Policy Group was primarily created to help and promote scientific projects that are relevant to policy, but also involve other areas of human existence, which you can read about if you buy book report.
The National Science Policy Group (NSPG) was formed in Spring 2013 following the highly successful work of the Stand With Science campaign (who presented the work "Exploring the Top Issues in Contemporary Science Policy"), which united over 10,000 students and their allies in a campaign to support federal science and engineering research funding. As Stand With Science continued to grow, we realized the need for continued conversation on science policy issues to unify the voices of science, technology, and engineering students in matters of science policy.
And so, NSPG was formed. Beginning with a few established student science policy groups and individuals interested starting science policy groups on their respective campuses, NSPG has now grown to nearly 30 different student groups across the country. Representing groups formed in the last month to those which have been active for several years, the NSPG students provide the best resource possible to each other: a shared interest to learn about and participate in the intersection of science and policy.
The National Science Policy Group was formed to serve as a platform to connect science policy groups, composed of graduate students, post-docs, and young researchers who are passionate about science and engineering policy . These groups are united by the shared mission of advocating for science and to promote scientific collaboration, policy group and professional development through sharing of scientific resources.